
Our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 60.

St Catherine’s provides a distinctive, Christ–centred, Catholic education for children who are aged 4–11. Priority is given to children who live and worship in the parish of St Catherine’s.

St Clare Catholic Multi Academy Trust is the admissions authority for St Catherine’s. Agreement for St Catherine’s of admissions arrangements is delegated to the Local Academy Committee and admissions are managed by St Catherine’s. The local authority undertakes the co-ordination of admission arrangements both during the normal admission round, and for in-year applications.

Please note:

Admission to St Catherine’s Nursery does not guarantee a place in St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School.

Admission to St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School does not guarantee admission to a Catholic High School.

You are entitled to appeal for a place at any school that your child has been refused admission to.


St Catherine’s Nursery has 26 places for children who are aged 3 or 4: each place is allocated on a part–time basis, allowing up to 52 children to attend. Children receive 15 hours of free provision per week, and we can offer additional hours to children who have an extended entitlement. The 15-hour attendance patterns are as follows:

  • Five mornings (Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 11:45am)

  • Five afternoons (Monday to Friday, 12:15pm to 3:15pm)

  • Start of week (Monday and Tuesday 8:45am to 3:15pm, and Wednesday 8:45am to 11:45am)

  • End of week (Wednesday 12:15pm to 3:15pm, and Thursday and Friday 8:45am to 3:15pm)

For children who have a 30-hour extended entitlement, we can offer five days (Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 3:15pm). We have a Breakfast Club starting at 8:00am, and an After School Club that ends at 4:30pm, you can find out more by clicking here.

Any of the children in Nursery can attend Breakfast Club and After School Club for a small charge, parents sign up using their ParentPay account.

Places in Nursery are offered to start in September.

Apply for a place in Nursery

To apply for a Nursery place, you'll need to complete and return an application form and a Supplementary Information Form, as well as proof of your child's identity—for example a birth certificate or passport.


Applications for a place in Reception are processed through the Co-ordinated Scheme for Admission Arrangements. Details of the co-ordinated scheme can be found on the Sheffield City Council website.

Additional Documentation

To place your child’s application in the correct admission category, we require additional information not contained in the Common Application Form:

  1. The Supplementary Information Form, which needs to be completed and returned to the school by the closing date. You can download it from the Sheffield City Council website or get a copy from the school office.

  2. A copy of the child’s baptism certificate if they are Catholic.

  3. A reference from a Minister or Faith Leader if the child is a member of another Christian Church or a World Faith.

Please note: The Supplementary Information Form is not an application for admission to the school and its return does not guarantee a place at the school.

Failure to complete and return the Supplementary Information Form may affect the admission category your child is placed in.

Year 1 to Year 6

Applications for a place in Year 1 to Year 6 are processed by the Sheffield City Council Admissions Team. If your child is not attending a Sheffield school, they are the people to contact.

If your child is currently attending a school in Sheffield but you want to apply to move them to St Catherine’s, you need to speak to staff at your child’s current school in the first instance.
