Senior Leadership Team
Executive Headteacher
Mrs Fiona Rigby
Head of School
Mrs Tricia Redfern
Deputy Headteacher
Mr Jonathan Lear
Assistant Headteacher
Miss Jheni Weir
School Business Manager
Mrs Liz Smith
Miss Lizzy Andrew (Literacy Lead)
Mrs Elaine Atkinson (F2)
Miss Eve Brian (Y3)
Mrs Miriam Cocker (SEND Lead for Locality B)
Miss Ellissa Drinkhill (Y6 and KS2 Lead)
Miss Charley Fitton (Seconded to another school)
Mr Sam Fowler (Y5)
Miss Izzy Frost (Y4)
Mrs Katie Gillott (PPA)
Mrs Rachel Ralph (Y6)
Mrs Rebecca Powell (Y5)
Mr Dominic Hawksworth (Y3)
Miss Emily Huddleston (Y2)
Miss Dannielle Jefferies (F2)
Miss Izzie Kirk (Y4)
Miss Jodie Ng (Y1 and KS1 SEND)
Miss Nikita Rodgers (Y2 and KS1 Lead)
Mrs Sarah Stables (Y1)
Miss Emily Sweeney (Maternity leave)
Mr Craig Webb (PPA)
Mrs Hannah Wood (F2)
Premises Team
Mrs Yasmin Alexander
Mrs Nahid Asif
Mrs Rutha Gerensiae
Mr Pete Hardy
Mrs Coral Jackson
Mrs Anne Lee
Mr Chris Redfern
Mrs Monika Urbanska
Ms Zamzam Woticha
Administration Team
Mrs Jayne Rowberry
Miss Alena Vrablova
Mrs Caroline Whelan
Middle Leadership Team
Mrs Emma Porter
Mrs Becky Puchalka
Mrs Emma Lear
Learning Mentor
Miss Anni Winterbottom
Mrs Siobhan Reid
Classroom Support Staff
Mr Marcin Blaszczyk
Miss Julie Cooper
Miss Amanda Dixon
Miss Rebecca Fleetwood
Miss Tehya Forrester
Miss Danielle Fortier
Miss Lauren Franks
Miss Jane Glossop
Mrs Lauren Gregory
Mrs Candice Guest
Mrs Jackie Hardy
Mrs Gina Hopewell
Mrs Catherine Ibbotson
Miss Sophie Kirk
Mrs Imtiaz Mahmood
Miss Lindsey Nelson
Mrs Rachael Oxley
Mrs Charlene Peacock
Mrs Siobhan Reid
Ms Lillian Rono
Mrs Tracey Samuels
Miss Michelle Shaw
Mrs Carol Stacey
Mrs Monika Urbanska
Miss Jenny Vella
Miss Alison Ward
Mrs Lynn Whomersley
Mrs Sarah Wilson
Miss Paula Wood
Mrs Julie Woodhouse
Miss Usma Yousaf
Lunchtime Support Staff
Mrs Nahid Asif
Ms Rutha Gerensiae
Mrs Mags Hitchcock
Mrs Coral Jackson
Mrs Monika Urbanska
Music and Dance
Mrs Anna Mansergh
Ms Louise Wells
Harmony Music School