Governors are attracted from a variety of backgrounds and are recruited for their skills in bringing continued success and improvement to the school.
St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School joined the St Clare Catholic Multi Academy Trust (Trust) on 1st September 2022.
In the Trust structure, the Governing Body is now called the Local Academy Committee (LAC). You can find out more by reading the Scheme of Delegation.
If you have any questions about governance at St Catherine’s, please contact us:
Find out more about
St Clare Catholic Multi Academy Trust Governance
Local Academy Committee
The purpose of the Local Academy Committee is to:
Preserve and develop the Catholic ethos and mission of the Church;
To provide local accountability;
To provide day-to-day support and oversight of the Academy’s leadership team;
To monitor the effectiveness of the resources allocated to the Academy;
To support the Trust board in implementing policies and procedures.
Terms of Reference for the Local Academy Committee can be found on page 47 of the Scheme of Delegation.
Core Competencies and Code of Conduct for Governors can be found on page 59 of the Scheme of Delegation.
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities of the Trust Members (Members), the Trust Board of Directors (Board), the Local Academy Committee (LAC), the Trust Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Headteacher / Head of School (HT) are set out on page 22 of the Scheme of Delegation. A summary of the roles and responsibilities of the Local Governance Board is set out below.
Governance and Vision
1.2 Implement any changes to the Trust Scheme of Delegation approved by the Members;
1.5 Be consulted on the establishment of LAC Working Groups to be implemented by the Headteacher (proposed by the CEO);
1.11 Propose and approve the appointment of the Chair of the LAC;
1.12 Be consulted on the removal of the Chair of the LAC (proposed and approved by the Board);
1.13 Propose the appointment of Foundation Governors (approved by Members and appointed by the Bishop);
1.14 Propose and implement the appointment of non-Foundation Governors (other than elected Governors) (approved by the Board);
1.16 Propose the removal of non-Foundation Governors and elected Governors (proposed and approved by the Board)
1.18 Approve the appointment (and removal) of the Clerk to the LAC;
1.20 Consult on the Governor Skills Audit to be implemented by the Headteacher;
1.21 Implement the Trust’s approved Governor Expenses policy;
1.22 Implement the Trust’s approved procedure to manage conflict of interest;
2.1 Implement the Trust and Academy Financial Regulations and Procedures;
2.3 Consider the approved Trust budget;
2.7 Monitor the financial efficiency review within the Academy implemented by the Headteacher;
2.9 Approve and monitor the Academy Risk Register and report on risks to the Trust Finance and Resources Committee;
2.12 Propose the Academy Budget Plan (approved by the Board);
2.13 Be consulted on the Academy Accounts Return to Education and Skills Funding Agency (implemented by the CEO and approved by the Board).
Strategy, Performance and Expansion
3.1 Be consulted on the Trust Strategic Plan (implemented by the Headteacher and approved by the Board);
3.3 Consult on any Academy expansion and / or change in age proposal (approved by the Members);
3.5 Be consulted on the Academy Performance Targets (approved by the Board);
3.6 Approve the Academy Development Plan;
3.7 Approve the Academy Action Plan / School Improvement Plan;
3.9 Approve the EYFS Policy;
3.11 Approve the SEND Policy;
3.12 Approve the SEND Plan and Quality of Provision;
3.13 Approve the Teaching and Learning Policy;
3.14 Approve the Curriculum Policy;
3.15 Be consulted and implement the Relationships and Sex Education Policy approved by the Members;
3.16 Be consulted and implement the Religious Education policy approved by the Members.
4.2 Be consulted on determining the Academy staff structure and grades (approved by the Board);
4.5 Be consulted and approve the appointment of Executive Headteacher / Headteacher / Head of School appointments (subject to ratification by the Board);
4.6 Approve the appointment of Academy teaching and support staff;
4.8 Be consulted on the performance management of Headteacher (approved by the CEO);
4.10 Be consulted on the suspension or dismissal of Headteacher (approved by the Board);
4.11 Be consulted on the performance management of Head of School (approved by the CEO);
4.12 Monitor the performance management of the Academy Senior Leadership Team (approved by the Headteacher);
4.14 be consulted about redundancy of staff (approved by the Board);
4.15 Be consulted about the restructuring of staff (approved by the Board);
4.16 Propose the appointment and removal of Lay Chaplains (approved by Members and appointed by the Bishop).
Land and Contracts
Subject to full compliance with Diocesan requirements as set out in the Occupancy Agreement.
5.1 Be consulted about the asset management strategy and insurance (approved by the Members);
5.2 Be consulted about the Health and Safety plus Safeguarding Policy and Review (approved by the Board);
5.3 Be consulted about condition surveys (approved by the Board);
5.4 Be consulted about expansion and redevelopment works (approved by the Members);
5.5 Be consulted about leases (approved by the Board);
5.6 Monitor lettings and shared use;
5.7 Be consulted about strategic support and shared services (approved and implemented by the CEO).
HR and Policies
6.1 Be consulted about the Trust Pay and Renumeration policy (approved by the Board);
6.2 Be consulted about the Job Role, Salary and Grading Policy (approved by the Board);
6.3 Be consulted on changes to employee terms and conditions or collective agreements (approved by the Board);
6.4 Be consulted about the Performance Management and Appraisal Review policy (approved by the Board);
6.5 Be consulted about the Disciplinary policy (approved by the Board);
6.6 Be consulted about the Grievance policy (approved by the Board);
6.7 Be consulted about the Capability policy (approved by the Board);
6.8 Be consulted about the Whistle-blowing policy (approved by the Board);
6.9 Be consulted about the Re-structuring and Redundancy policy (approved by the Board);
6.10 Be consulted about the Employee Health and Safety policy (approved by the Board);
6.11 Be consulted about the Academy times, terms and holidays (proposed and approved by the Board, Easter Triduum proposed and approved by the Members);
6.12 Be consulted on the adoption and review of non-HR Academy statutory policies (approved by the Board);
6.13 Monitor (and approve) Academy exclusions;
6.14 Approve Academy appeals against permanent exclusions;
6.15 Monitor the Complaints policy (approved by the Board).
Foundation Governor
Appointed to the Governing Body on 31st January 2013.
Appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Hallam.
Term of Office until 30th January 2025.
Foundation Governor
Vice-Chair of Governors
Appointed to the Governing Body on 10th June 2015.
Appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Hallam.
Term of Office until 9th June 2027.
Foundation Governor
Chair of Governors
Link Governor for:
Health & Safety
Pupil Premium
Appointed to the Governing Body on 13th April 2011.
Appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Hallam.
Term of Office until 12th April 2027.
Head of School
Executive Headteacher
dos Santos
Parent Governor
Link Governor for:
Appointed to the Governing Body on 4th July 2022.
Appointed by ballot of the parents at St Catherine’s.
Term of office until 3rd July 2026.
Community Governor
Link Governor for:
Appointed to the Governing Body on 10th October 2016.
Appointed by the Local Academy Committee.
Term of Office until 31st August 2026.
Foundation Governor
Appointed to the Governing Body on 8th March 2023.
Appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Hallam.
Term of Office until 7th March 2027.
Parent Governor
Link Governor for:
Appointed to the Governing Body on 4th July 2022.
Appointed by ballot of the parents at St Catherine’s.
Term of office until 3rd July 2026.